In any given transaction, there are several different agreements that affect broker compensation. 这种补偿可以在下列类型的协议中解决:

  • 客户代理协议,如上市和买方/租户代理
  • 经纪人之间的合作补偿(佣金)协议
  • 经纪人与交易当事人之间的佣金登记协议.



2021十大正规彩票app经纪没有“标准”佣金. Antitrust laws forbid brokers of different firms from joining together to fix commissions at a set price. 经纪人和他们的客户可以自由协商佣金数额.

虽然法律上并不要求书面协议来建立代理关系, there are good reasons for having listing 和 buyer/tenant representation agreements in writing:

  • Multiple listing service (MLS) rules require brokers to have written authorization from the seller to submit a property to the MLS.
  • 根据2021十大正规彩票app许可证
法案, brokers cannot enforce 
their right to collect a commission from a party to the transaction unless there is a signed, 
  • Article 16 of the 道德守则 prohibits other REALTORS® from interfering with exclusive representation between brokers 和 their clients, 书面代理协议确立了这种排他性关系.
  • Article 9 of the 道德守则 requires REALTORS® to assure whenever possible that agreements are in writing.


Texas Real Estate Commission rules require listing 和 representation agreements for real estate brokerage services to be in the name of 代理. 尽管经纪人可以授权他们赞助的代理人执行代理协议, 客户和交易的报酬属于经纪人.

Sponsored agents 和 associated brokers should have a 书面协议 with 代理 that expresses how 代理’s commission will be shared with the sponsored agent. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 独立承包商协议 (TXR 2301)可用于此目的. This agreement also provides that an agent is entitled to a commission if the commission was 赢得了 prior to termination of the sponsorship. 取决于 独立承包商协议, the agent’s share of the commission may be reduced or eliminated when an agent leaves 代理age before the transaction is completed.


A listing agreement provides that the listing broker will market the seller’s property 和 the seller will compensate 代理 if 代理, 要么靠她自己,要么在合作经纪人的帮助下, 出售物业. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®提供几种上市协议,最常见的是 住宅2021十大正规彩票app上市协议,独家销售权 (TXR 1101).

的 residential listing agreement allows 代理’s compensation to be expressed as a percentage of the sales price or another amount 代理 和 seller agree on. 根据该协议,当费用是两者的时候,经纪人有权获得补偿 赢得了应付.

经纪人的费用是 赢得了 当以下三种情况之一发生时:

  • 卖方出售财产.
  • 一个现成的、愿意的、有能力的
  • 卖方违反

经纪人的费用将是 应付 当以下四种情况之一发生时:

  • 该物业的出售已经
  • 在赚取了经纪人的
  • 卖方违反了上市协议.
  • 在任何其他时间根据上市协议的条款.

住宅2021十大正规彩票app上市协议,独家销售权 还包含一个保护期. 在此期间, a broker may be entitled to compensation after the listing agreement ends if 代理 notifies the seller of prospective buyers whose attention was called to the property during the listing agreement period. If the seller agrees to sell the property during the protection period to one of these prospects, 代理, 成交后, will be entitled to the compensation he would have received if the listing agreement were still in effect. 的 protection period doesn’t apply if the seller enters into a subsequent exclusive listing agreement with another REALTOR® 和 must pay the other REALTOR® for the sale of the property.


A buyer/tenant representation agreement provides that 代理 will assist the buyer or tenant in locating a property to purchase or lease 和 the buyer will compensate 代理 if the buyer purchases or leases a property.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 住宅买家/租户代表协议 (TXR 1501) allows 代理’s compensation to be expressed as a percentage of the sales or lease price. 的 broker will first attempt to get her compensation from the seller/l和lord or the listing broker. 如果卖方/业主或上市经纪人未能或拒绝付款, 买方/承租人负责付款.

住宅买家/租户代表协议,当费用是两者时,经纪人有权获得补偿 赢得了应付. 经纪人的费用是 赢得了 当:

  • 买方/承租人签订合同,在约定的市场区域购买或租赁房产,或者
  • 买方/承租人违反

经纪人的费用是 应付 当:

  • 交易结束
  • 买方/承租人违反销售或租赁合同,或
  • 买方/承租人违反


如果经纪人和卖方同意提前终止上市协议,他们可以使用德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 终止上市 (TXR 1410). 作为终止协议的一部分, 双方还可以就经纪人将获得的赔偿金额达成协议. 原上市协议中的经纪人补偿, 包括保护期内的赔偿, 一旦不适用 终止上市 执行.
如果经纪人和买方/租客签署了 终止买方/承租人代表协议 (TXR 1503),则仅适用终止协议中约定的费用. 保护期也不适用.


经纪人补偿协议不属于 一至四户住宅合约(转售) (TXR 1601). 但是经纪人信息页面(第9页)呢?? Filling in the blank line for the commission authorizes 和 directs the escrow agent to pay the cooperating broker that amount out of the listing broker’s commission 和 does not by itself create a binding agreement between 代理s. 经纪人应当另行签订合作补偿协议. If there is a conflict between the amount written on page 9 和 the separate compensation agreement, 单独的赔偿协议将控制第9页上写的金额.


最常见的补偿协议类型是当财产被列入MLS时. 根据MLS的规则和政策, 上市经纪人向合作经纪人提供单方面补偿. 合作经纪人作为取得事由的履行,为对该要约的接受. 不需要单独的书面协议.

对于不涉及MLS补偿的交易, 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®提供多种表格供经纪人使用.

  • 经纪人注册协议 (TXR 2402) is an agreement between a listing broker 和 cooperating broker that can be used to establish the amount a listing broker will pay the cooperating broker when the property is not listed in the MLS or the cooperating broker is not a participant of the MLS in which the property is listed.
  • 居屋租赁经纪协议 (TXR 2002) is also an agreement between a listing broker 和 cooperating broker that can be used to establish the amount the listing broker will pay the cooperating broker when the property for lease is not listed in the MLS or if the cooperating broker is not a participant of the MLS in which the property is listed.
  • 经纪人和业主之间的注册协议 (TXR 2401)是经纪人与业主之间的协议. 这是一种通用形式,当经纪人既代表业主也代表买方时,可以使用它. It’s especially useful in a for-sale-by-owner transaction where the unrepresented owner agrees to compensate the buyer’s broker.

关于佣金协议还有问题吗? 周一至周五上午9点,拨打德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®法律热线512-480-8200.m. 到下午4点.m. 该热线作为德克萨斯2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®会员独有的福利,包含在您的会费中.