The primary runoff proved to be a very good night for REALTOR®-supported candidates. RPAC成功地支持了一位国会候选人. TREPAC took positions in nine state legislative races and won seven.


全州都很低吗. About 830,000 of the state’s 16 million registered voters showed up.

大约40万3千名共和党人参加了决选. It should be noted that many Texas 共和党人s had no high-profile races to consider. Indeed, in 111 of the state’s 254 counties, there were no contested races at all for 共和党人s.

民主党投票率(430),000) was the lowest ever for a 民主党人ic gubernatorial runoff (the first since 1990). 这一数字打破了1920年创下的纪录, 当449年,000 voters cast ballots in the first-ever runoff for governor. Not only is this a record-setting low, the Texas population is about seven times higher now.

对现任者来说仍然是危险的. Since 1992, only five of 27 incumbents who have gone into a runoff have defended their seat:


TREPAC/ rpac支持的候选人表示为 大胆的共和党人/民主党人)

  • CD 5 – 国家代表. 兰斯·古登 (53.1%) survived a contentious race against fundraising giant Bunni Pounds (46.9%). Gooden’s service in the Texas House of 代表resentatives paid off … he won 61% of the votes in the area he represents (HD 4), 但在51比49的选区失去了平衡. 古登将在11月迎战民主党人丹·伍德.
  • HD 4 -福尼学校董事会主席 基思•贝尔 (58.9%)击败了前州众议员. 斯皮策(41.1%). The 授权Texans-backed Spitzer lost the HD 4 primary (to 兰斯·古登) in 2012, 2014年获奖, 2016年又输给了古登. Bell will face 民主党人 Eston Williams in this heavily 共和党人 district.
  • HD 8 – In TAR’s highest priority race, Texas REALTOR® and former TREPAC Trustee 科迪哈里斯 (54.4%)击败了德州人支持的托马斯·麦克纳特(45%).6%) – Harris rode a 70% victory in his home county (Anderson) to defeat McNutt in one of the most expensive and watched races in the state. 哈里斯将在11月迎战民主党人韦斯利·拉特克利夫.
  • HD 13 –After finishing second on March 6, former Grimes County Judge 本情夫 (57.3%的候选人击败了42岁的德州候选人吉尔·沃尔夫斯基尔(Jill Wolfskill).7%). 莱曼将在11月面对民主党人塞西尔·韦伯斯特. 有趣的是, Leman was the top vote-getter (but didn’t hit 50%) in a special election to fill the unexpired term of former 代表. 5月5日,莉顿·舒伯特. Wolfskill, 谁在补选中获得第二名, 退出了特别决选, which means Leman will be sworn in before the start of the 86th 德州议会.
  • HD 37 -在3月份获得近49%的选票后,现任总统 雷内·奥利维拉 (43.3%) was unable to fend off Cameron County Commissioner Alex Dominguez (56.7%). 代表. 奥利维拉, 谁是众议院工商委员会的主席, is classified as a REALTOR® Champion and will be missed in the Capitol. There is no general election challenger, so Dominguez will represent HD 37 in 2019.
  • HD 46 – After finishing second in March, former Austin Mayor Pro-tem 谢丽尔科尔 (51.9%) defeated immigration attorney and former legislative staffer José “Chito” Vela (49.1%),以173票的优势胜出. Cole faces 共和党人 Gabriel Nila in November in this heavily 民主党人ic district.
  • HD 54 -前基林市长和现任市长 斯科特Cosper (41.7%) was unable to fend off popular veterinarian Brad Buckley (58.3%). Buckley will face 民主党人ic candidate Kathy Richerson and a Libertarian in the general election in a district which leans 共和党人.
  • HD 62 -前格雷森县共和党主席 雷吉·史密斯(71岁).2%) 轻松击败了授权德州候选人布伦特劳森(21岁).8%)取代即将离任的众议员. Larry菲利普斯. 尽管这个席位是坚定的共和党人, Smith does have a general election challenge from a Libertarian and 民主党人 Valerie Hefner.
  • HD 109 ——在3月6日获得第二名后,前德索托市长 卡尔·谢尔曼(64岁).2%) 比德斯旺德拉·洛克哈特·琼斯(35岁)强一倍.8%). 谢尔曼没有对手.
  • HD 121 – In maybe the most watched race in the Texas House, business conservative 史蒂夫·埃里森(57岁).5%) 轻松击败了德州人支持的马特·毕比(42岁).5%), who has now lost HD 121 elections three times (2012, 2014, 2018). HD 121 is being vacated by five-term Speaker Joe Straus, who supported Allison. 这是共和党的稳固席位, but Allison faces 民主党人 Delina Montoya and a Libertarian in November.
  • 第三上诉法院,6区 ——德州候选人迈克·托斯(52岁.8%)击败了长期的奥斯汀选举和道德律师 唐娜•戴维森 (47.2%). Toth faces 民主党人ic State District Judge Gisela Triana in November.

其他值得注意的种族 (用表示的主要胜利者 突显出)

  • 州长 -前达拉斯县警长 卢皮瓦尔迪兹 (52.(7%)击败了安德鲁·怀特(47%).3%),现在将挑战州长. 格雷格·艾伯特在11月. Valdez is the first openly lesbian and first Latina to win a major-party gubernatorial nomination in Texas.
  • CD 2 ——退役海豹突击队队员 丹克伦肖 (69.9%)完胜州众议员. 凯文·罗伯茨(30岁).1%) and will face 民主党人 Todd Litton in this solidly 共和党人 District.
  • CD 6 – In the race to succeed retiring 共和党人 Congressman Joe Barton, 前塔兰特县税务评估员 罗恩·赖特 (52.2%的人凭借高知名度击败了47岁的老将杰克·埃尔泽(Jack Ellzey).8%).
  • CD 7 – 民主党人 丽齐·潘尼尔·弗莱彻 handily defeated activist Laura Moser and will challenge incumbent 共和党人 John Culberson in November. Fletcher is an attorney who had establishment 民主党人ic support. This is one of three seats held by 共和党人 congressmen (CD 23, 希拉里·克林顿击败唐纳德·特朗普的地方
  • CD 23 – Former high school teacher and Air Force intelligence officer 吉娜Ortiz-Jones (67.9%的选民击败了里克·特维诺(32票).1%). Ortiz-Jones will face incumbent 共和党人 Congressman Will Hurd in this swing seat.
  • CD 21/21 – The race to succeed retiring Congressman Lamar Smith yielded two of the most watched primaries in Texas. 共和党方面,前泰德·克鲁兹幕僚长 芯片罗伊德 (52.在决选中击败马特·麦考尔(47%).3%) was one of the most closely watched GOP congressional races. Roy will face off against Austin tech entrepreneur and Army veteran 约瑟夫散步流言 (58%), who handily defeated minister and former teacher Mary Street Wilson (42%) in the 民主党人ic primary.
  • CD 27/27 – A surprising margin of victory for former Victoria County GOP chair 迈克尔·云 (61%)超过了州长贝克·布鲁恩(39%). 被阿博特任命为德州水资源开发委员会成员, 接替国会议员布莱克·法伦霍尔德的竞选. 云将面对民主党 埃里克·奥尔金她收到了61份.在民主党初选中获得9%的选票. 这是一个5:2的共和党选区.
  • CD 31 ——空军老兵 乔丹黑格尔说道 (62.2%)击败了Christine Eady Mann(37岁).8%) and will face Congressman John Carter in a rapidly changing district north of Austin.
  • CD 32 – 科林·奥尔雷德 (69.5%)击败莉莲·萨莱诺(30%).5%) – Keep an eye on this one … Allred will face Congressman Pete Sessions in what will be one of the most watched (and expensive) races nationwide in November
  • HD 47 - Austin REALTOR® 维姬•古德温 (58%) overcame progressive activist Elaina Fowler (42%) – Goodwin will face off against 代表. 保罗·沃克曼(Paul Workman)赢得了许多人认为可以争夺的席位.
  • HD 107 授权Texans-backed 迪安娜Metzger (56.1%)击败了老将乔·鲁兹卡(44).9%) to earn the right to take on incumbent 民主党人ic Victoria Neave in November in this swing district.
  • HD 133 – After missing an outright primary win by just five votes in March, 民主党人桑德拉·摩尔(44%)在昨晚的决选中败给了 马蒂Schexnayder(56%),现在他将面对共和党众议员. 吉姆·墨菲在这个共和党选区.