如果我的客户在住宅买卖代表协议-简表(TXR 1507)中选择展示服务,我的职责和责任是什么??

第1101节.德州职业法典第557条要求执照持有人, 至少, answer the party’s questions and present any offer to or from the party. This simply means the agent is required to give the offer to the intended party. This does not require the agent to write the offer or negotiate the terms for the buyer or seller. This requirement is intended to prevent agents from withholding information from their clients. 如果卖方向代理发出报价, 代理商不能坚持报盘, 但必须将报盘转发给买方. 同样的, 如果买方向卖方发出要约, 代理将不得不把报盘转交给卖方. 

So, if a buyer gives their agent an offer under a Showing Services agreement, 代理将不得不把报盘转交给卖方. 我们预计这种情况不会经常发生. Also keep in mind that the agency relationship exists only for the Term of the agreement. 如果放映服务协议是一天或一个周末, how likely is it that a buyer will provide an agent with an offer during that short period of time. 

Brokers are permitted under the law to agree on which services the broker will provide to their clients. 例如, 有有限的服务,列出经纪人和推荐代理已同意只提供某些服务给他们的客户. 这些经纪人在履行他们在代理协议中同意的有限服务时,仍然必须履行他们的法律和道德责任. 


是的. 退伍军人事务部 发布临时规定 将于8月10日生效, 在上市经纪人被禁止通过多重上市服务设定买方经纪人补偿或买方经纪人补偿无法通过上市经纪人建立或流动的情况下,允许VA买家支付合理金额的买方经纪人费用.  

如果代理商在他们的经纪公司之外为卖家举办开放日,或者建筑商允许代理商举办库存开放日,那该怎么办? 这需要多大的协议啊?

Unless the agent holding the open house is an agent of the listing firm, or a subagent of the listing firm (requires listing firm authorization), the agent would need a written agreement with the buyer to show the home. 会员可使用表格 住宅买家/租户代表协议 (TXR 1501)和 住宅买家/租户代表协议-简短形式 (TXR 1507)以满足书面协议要求.

我已经签署了买卖代表协议和上市协议,截止日期超过6月24日, 2024年(更新后的德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®表格生效日期). 我需要做些什么来遵守NAR规则的变化?

On August 17, 2024, all members must be in compliance with NAR MLS rule changes. 会员可使用 代表协议的修订 (TXR 2701)与以下代理协议,以使他们在8月17日之前符合NAR MLS的政策, 2024:

  • 住宅2021十大正规彩票app上市协议,独家销售权 (TXR 1101)
  • Residential Real Estate Listing Agreement, Exclusive Right to Lease (TXR 1102)
  • 农场和牧场 Real Estate Listing Agreement, 独家销售权 (TXR 1201)
  • 住宅买家/租户代表协议-长表格 (TXR 1501)

Additionally, members may use the new short form buyer representation agreement, TXR 1507. 6月24日之后, the updated 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® forms should be used for all new residential representation agreements. 如果在6月24日之前签署代理协议, 2024年,一名买家正在购买一处房产, 代理协议不需要修改.


是的,经纪人和买方可以就任何金额达成协议. 请记住,根据MLS政策, 第六节, 经纪人和代理人不得声明他们向客户或客户提供的经纪服务是免费的或不收费的, unless the broker or agent will receive no financial compensation from any source for those services. 

住宅买家-租客代表协议简表(TXR 1507)是否要求经纪人接受电子支付,如Zelle或Venmo,以便在展示前支付给经纪人?

不,经纪人不需要接受某一种付款. 这是由经纪人制定自己的政策和程序,他们将接受何种类型的付款.


The buyer representation agreement is a confidential document between the buyer and broker. Buyers are not required to disclose to sellers the amount of broker compensation they will pay their broker. 

Will a signed representation agreement be required for showing unimproved land or commercial properties?

No, the MLS rule requiring written agreements only applies to residential properties.

Can you show your own listings or brokerage listings without signing a buyer’s rep agreement?

是的, 挂牌代理代表卖方,因此他们不需要买方代表协议向潜在买家展示房屋. 清单代理可能需要使用 代表披露 (TXR 1417) to establish that they do not represent potential buyers.

What does “reserved” mean in Paragraph 8 of the 住宅2021十大正规彩票app上市协议,独家销售权?

在更新此表格时,删除了第8段的内容. 而不是改变后面所有的段落编号, 表格保留第8段以备将来使用. 第8段什么也没写.

如果我的买家最初同意在住宅买家/租户代表协议-简短形式中展示服务,但现在希望我提交报价, 我需要修改协议吗?

是的. 在显示服务选项下, 经纪人只同意提供市场区域内的房产使用权,以换取商定的补偿. The broker could not receive any compensation above this amount without amending the representation agreement. The parties can amend the short form to select the full services option using 《十大网络彩票平台大全》修正案. 双方还应决定是否需要中介人授权,以及提供全面服务的中介人费用应是多少. 或者,双方可以选择执行 住宅买家/租户代表协议-长表格 (TXR 1501)提供全方位的服务. 


是的, the representation agreement can be amended between the parties to the agreement at any time.  例如, a builder may offer broker bonuses that may not have been included in the original representation agreement. If the buyer agrees, the parties may amend the representation agreement to include the bonus amount.


第5A段的目的是允许上市经纪人向买方经纪人提供补偿. 如果勾选5A, 就像你现在做的那样,分享你从卖方那里得到的佣金的一部分,并把它作为补偿提供给买方的经纪人. 根据结算的要求, the amount of compensation in 5A(2) is required to be approved by the seller and an amount must be specified. 即使“up to”也不能满足这个要求.  

第11F段授权上市经纪人与其他经纪人和潜在买家分享,卖方将考虑为买方的费用提供一笔款项, such as buyer's broker's fees or other expenses payable to a buyer under a sales contract. 预计在卖方不向上市经纪人支付与买方经纪人共享的金额的情况下,这将用于代替5A. 而不是, the seller would prefer to pay directly through negotiations with a buyer; hence the note under Paragraph 5B. 第5A款和第11F款应当分别执行,但在上市经纪人分摊金额后,需要从卖方获得额外的买方经纪人补偿的,可以一起执行.

What does the MLS rule requiring broker compensation to be objectively ascertainable mean?

NAR更新的MLS规则要求买方代理协议中规定的经纪人补偿金额必须客观确定. 而NAR并没有定义什么是“客观可确定的”, NAR提供了一些例子,说明什么是不可能的补偿. 赔偿金额不能以一个范围(从X%到X%)或一个根据支付来源而变化的金额(如.g., a different amount if the seller or listing broker pays the fee versus if the buyer pays the fee). 

A listing agent is offering more compensation than what is listed in the Buyer/Tenant Representation Agreement. 作为买方经纪人,我能接受额外的钱吗?

可以,但前提是代理协议要修改. 根据新的MLS政策声明8.13, buyer's brokers cannot accept compensation above the amount listed in the representation agreement. 如果买家同意,你可以用 《十大网络彩票平台大全》修正案 (TXR 1505)修改协议允许的金额. 

Under MLS rules, are buyer's brokers able to earn bonuses from builders?

是的, 只要经纪人披露了提供给经纪人的具体补偿金额,并得到了买方的授权. 代理可以使用 《十大网络彩票平台大全》修正案 (TXR 1505)规定经纪人将获得的其他补偿金额,并获得买方的授权. 该修正案要求奖金必须针对特定的房产,并没有要求买方向经纪人支付额外的补偿.

如果卖方愿意为买方的费用支付一笔款项, 我可以用什么表格来说明金额?

卖家可以使用 Seller’s Authorization to Disclose and Advertise Certain Information (TXR 1412) and state the amount they would consider contributing towards buyer’s expenses.  

What is the purpose of Paragraph 11F in 住宅2021十大正规彩票app上市协议,独家销售权 (TXR 1101)?

第11F段允许卖方授权上市经纪人与其他经纪人和潜在买家分享,卖方将考虑为买方的费用提供一笔款项, 如买方经纪人的费用或其他成交费用. 卖方可以使用 Seller’s Authorization to Disclose and Advertise Certain Information (TXR 1412)  to provide details to the listing broker about what they can or cannot share.