In certain transactions, 买家可能希望他们的合同以他们收到出售他们目前的房子的收益为条件. In this situation, the buyer will attach the Addendum for Sale of Other Property by Buyer (TXR 1908, TREC 10-6) to the contract. While this provides the buyer with the benefit of the contingency, in return, it affords the seller a benefit as well. The seller may continue to receive, negotiate, and accept back-up offers, 那么,如果收到更好的报价,卖方就可以要求第一买方放弃附带条件吗.

当卖方收到比第一次报价条件更优惠的备用报价时, the seller must execute the second offer with the Addendum for Back-up Contract (TXR 1909, TREC 11-7) attached. The seller can then use Notices Regarding Contingency Under Addendum for Sale of Other Property by Buyer (TXR 1912)通知第一买方接受的备用报价,并允许第一买方放弃或终止交易. 仅仅因为卖方收到了备用报价,并不意味着卖方就有能力要求第一买方放弃偶然性.